2020 New Laws

by Shannon Slack - Posted 3 years ago

New Laws For 2020

This summary of new laws for 2020 is brought to you by the Independent Automobile Dealers Association of California.  Whether you are a vendor or a dealer your support of IADAC helps to keep us going.  As a non-profit we exist almost entirely on member dues.  Check out our benefits at www.iadac.org and get signed up today!

First, a disclaimer.  While we strive to provide useful content, this summary does not review all the laws or details of laws which may apply to auto industry sales and service.

Relative to the installation of used tires, the state has set forth definitions for what they consider to be an unsafe tire.  In addition to the obvious unsafe qualities such as damage or patches to the sidewall and damage to the bead area, the unsafe tread depth is now 2-32nds of one inch.  As stated in Division 12-Used Car Safety Checklist the previous minimum allowable was 1-32nd.

The minimum wage has increased by one dollar to twelve dollars per hour for employers with 25 or fewer employees and to thirteen dollars per hour for employers with 26 or more employees.  Some counties and municipalities have even higher minimum wages.  New signage will also be needed showing the increase.  If you still show employees as subcontractors you need to know that is not permitted.  For specific labor law questions please contact Fisher Phillips.

Under the California Fair Employment and Housing Act an employer is not allowed to discriminate against hiring, promoting or terminating based on a person's hairstyle.  You may want to review your policy for dress codes to verify it does not contain any language which would prohibit hairstyles.

Sexual harassment training is required for all employees by employers who have five or more employees by January 1, 2021 and then every two years.  New hires must complete the training within 6 months of hiring.  IADAC recommends contacting Fisher Phillips for training and labor law questions.  Drew Tate, dtate@fisherphillips.com.

The California Consumer Privacy Act is a complex legislation which requires businesses to allow opt-out for consumers if their personal data collected is sold or disclosed for a business purpose.  Fortunately for most independent dealers there is an exception for business with annual receipts under 25 million dollars.  If you are a dealer who does not qualify for this exemption you should consult your attorney to determine what changes you will need to make to become compliant.  Either way, as a service to your customers you should check out www.privacy4cars.com to verify the vehicles you sell do not contain personal data from prior customers.   

You may have heard that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration revised the odometer exemption rule from 10 to 20 years and planned implementation would have been 2020.  That implementation date was pushed back a year so at this time there is no action required.

IADAC members should be receiving our e-newsletters.  If not, sign up is free at www.iadac.org.  The link is located above the Lobel banner ad on the right border.  This e-newsletter is a free service which provides valuable industry information.

Beginning January 1, 2020 the DMV will refuse registration to certain heavy-duty diesel trucks with a gross vehicle weight rating over 14,000 lbs (i.e. Ford F-450 or heavier) as per SB 1.  The year model and dates are as follows:

  • Effective January 1, 2020, vehicle model years 2004 and older.
  • Effective January 1, 2021, vehicle model years 2007 and older.
  • Effective January 1, 2023, vehicle model years 2010 and older

For vehicles over 26,000 GVWR the year model and dates are as follows:

  • Effective January 1, 2020 vehicle model years 2000 and older.
  • Effective January 1, 2021 vehicle model years 2005 and older.
  • Effective January 1, 2022  vehicle model years 2007 and older.
  • Effective January 1, 2023  vehicle model years 2010 and older.

Find more information at www.ARB.ca.gov.